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Wątek: EURO @ ps

  1. #1
    Aug 2008
    Powstal nowy stolik testowy, 1/2E caprera test 6-max, jednak nie mozna na niego usiasc, bo nie posiada sie konta w tejze walucie. Ktos ma jakies informacje, jak mozna wejsc w posiadanie takowego konta, lub podzielic sobie bankroll np. po pol ? Jakiekolwiek info w tej sprawie? :> Domyslam sie, ze jest w to fazie opracowywania i moze nie byc zadnych pewnikow, ale jakiekolwiek spekulacje beda mile widziane
    Ostatnio edytowane przez krolewicz ; 25-10-2009 o 01:31

  2. #2
    Aug 2008
    1. There will be games in both Euro and US Dollars (Besides the significant demand for such games, Euro games are mandatory anyway due to licences we are acquiring in Europe).

    2. Players will be able to hold balances in both Euro and US Dollars simultaneously, and convert money between those balances whenever they want.

    3. When a player joins a table or tournament which is in Euro, and they don't have a Euro balance, the software will offer to open a Euro balance automatically, and move funds into it for you.

    4. PokerStars will always use the mid-market rate for exchanges, provided by Reuters. We apply a margin (currently set to 0.1%) to this rate. Since this is a controversial point, I should state that this margin is to cover costs and prevent currency speculation, and is not a source of profit. We've chosen this method as we feel it's more transparent than recovering costs through additional rake or unfair exchange rates.

    It's not appropriate for me to comment on other sites' activities, but I would encourage players to compare the cost of our system to those of our competitors in real-life situations before coming to a conclusion.

    5. Rake and VPP schemes for Euro games have yet to be finalised, but will be maintained at a comparable level to USD games. We do NOT intend to charge more rake for players who play in Euro.

    6. Players in Euro games will have the same benefits as those in USD games, including tournament leaderboards, deposit bonuses, etc.

    Let me know if you have any more questions and I'll do my best to answer them.


  3. #3
    Jul 2006
    a wiadomo od kiedy to bedzie wprowadzone i czy na wszystkie gry ? i co z MTT i sit&go ?

  4. #4
    Aug 2007
    London, UK
    możesz sie dołączyć do grupy testerów. trzeba napisać chyba na beta@pokerstars.com i wyrazić zgodę na to że to beta i zasady z tym związane.