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Wątek: Ban na expekcie

  1. #1
    Chcial bym przedstawić na własnym przykładze ze zbrodnia nie popłaca i przestrzedz wszystkich przed jakimkolwiek kombionowaniem w poker roomach i zamieszczam cała moja korespondencje z Prima Poker i Expektem po tym jak moje 2 konta (gralem na expekcie moim kontem i porzyczonym od znajomego ) zostały zbanowane.Myśle ze ta lektura odwiedze raz na zawsze wszystkich tych którzy lubia cos krecic (a wiadomo że to Polaków chechuje :lol: )


    My login zelik (ID xxxxxx).My poker account has been blocked, and I would like to know what was the reason and what do I have to do to unblock it.

    Prima Poker:

    Dear Sir,
    Thank you for your e-mail
    Your account is locked because you have multiple aliases.
    Please send us an explaination for this.


    My name is Paweł C.Im profesional poker player ( skromność niczym u Adama Małysza ) .You send me massage that i ve to send you an explaination.
    I like yours soft(expekt) and i wanna still play on poker expekt.I hope that u get back my account.
    i ve many friends and I showed them Expekt. We sometimes play together and i think that it is problem becouse once we play in my house another time we play somewhere else.
    I ve only one account (zelik)( id xxxxxxx ).Thank you.

    Prima Poker:

    Dear Customer,
    Thank you for your E-mail.
    Prima has investigated this and has made the following decision:
    Upon further investigation we have found zelik to be chip dumping to linked player J_Harman.
    An example of them chip dumping happened on 4/8/2005, where zelik dumped $ (nie ważne ile) to J_Harman.
    They also played from the same IP on this day, as he confessed above. Also noting that this player is linked to several other multiple aliases using similar account names and aliases.


    Dear Support
    Thank you for your reply.
    I understand that you have blocked my account:
    Paweł C.: (zelik) id-xxxxxxx and account of my friend:Cezary B.: (J_Harman) id-xxxxxxx.
    As you can see from the history of my play I am a frequent player at Expekt and I play the biggest possible limits, therefore I have generated huge rake for Expekt so far.
    I have presented Expekt to several of my friends, one of them is Cezary. We wanted to improve our game, therefore we often played at each other's place.
    My friend Cezary, who does not have Visa card (to make cash in by himself) also wanted to start playing for cash, therefore I decided to transfer some cash him.
    Unfortunately Expekt does not have "transfer" feature as other poker rooms have (Poker Stars for example), so we did it on a separate poker table. I was not aware, that this is called chip dumping.
    I thought, that chip dumping means giving some chips to other player while playing in the same tournament, this would clearly lead to some unfair advantage against other players.I would like to underline,
    that in our case we did not play with any other players at a table, in order not to take any benefits from other players. This (playing together at the same table against other players) we understand as a punishable offence.
    I understand, that we did wrong, but I believe, that as we in fact did not take any benefits from other players or your poker room (and we of course did not have such plan) blocking of the accounts and loss of our money would be a way too serious punishment.
    Due to the reasons stated above I hope you will positively review our case and unblock our accounts.

    If you require contact with Cezary he should be available on his email.
    I am looking forward to your reply.
    Thank you

    Prima Poker:

    Dear customer,
    Thank you for your e-mail
    Message from prima poker,
    "Thank You for the explanation, we appreciate the sincerity honesty.
    We are happy to release zelik and J_Harman's funds since they have not profited from any other players.
    However, we are not prepared to reopen these accounts since this compromises the integrity of the network. The excuse of J_Harman not having a credit card is simply not plausible and we cannot allow such network abuse to continue. Our main concern is the integrity of this network. Please note in the latest operator briefing the stance we have taken on this topic.
    Finally, I will unlock the accounts for a period of 36hrs, the players will then be able to withdraw their funds but will not be able to sit down at any tables.
    The accounts will be fully locked after the 36hr window period has expired."

    Myślicie ze na tym koniec?Wcale nie, wypłaciłem pieniądze z konta pokerowego na expekt i zostaly one zablokowane tym razem przez expekt :? i dalsza moja korespondencja :


    Dear Support
    Please review the email below where I was communicating with Prima Network. As you can see Prima blocked and unblocked my account after I had provided an explanation.
    Thereafter you have blocked my account (and my friend Cezary B. (J_Harman) id-xxxxxxx ccount). Could you please unblock our accounts or provide the reason for blocking it?
    I am looking for forward for you reply


    Dear Sir,
    Thanks for your E-mail,
    This is the explanation we recived from PrimaPoker:
    "We are happy to release zelik and J_Harman's funds since they have not profited from any other players.
    However, we are not prepared to reopen these accounts since this compromises the integrity of the network. The excuse of J_Harman not having a credit card is simply not plausible and we cannot allow such network abuse to continue. Our main concern is the integrity of this network. Please note in the latest operator briefing the stance we have taken on this topic.
    Finally, I will unlock the accounts for a period of 36hrs, the players will then be able to withdraw their funds but will not be able to sit down at any tables.
    The accounts will be fully locked after the 36hr window period has expired. Please inform me once the transaction has been completed successfully"


    Dear Support,
    Thank you for your reply.
    This is exactly the same reply as we (me and Cezary) have received from Prima. I understood, that we had 36 hours to transfer the cash from our Prima/Expekt Poker account (in USD) to our Expekt basic account (in PLN).
    I was not aware, that you would block our Expekt accounts after this time, and I do not really see a reason for this, as it was the issue with Poker account NOT Expekt account. I thought I would still be able to bet in your casino and bet for Sport results.
    Please review our case bearing in mind, that we did not take any profits from other players and our only fault was due to lack of information concerning possibility of transfering money between players.
    I would like to underline, that I was your frequent and faithful client generating significant rake.
    I will be greatful if you could unblock our accounts or if not, provide a detailed explanation why you decided not to do so.

    Ps:Also, after tranferring cash from Prima to Expekt account I made the cash out, which it seems was not approved as I have not received cash to my bank accout. Could you please also look what happened to that? Thank you.


    We have reactivated your expekt.com account and you are able to play at the casino and sprotsbook.
    Please try to withdraw your money again.


    Tak wiec koniec konców pieniądze zostały zwrócone ale konto pokera zablokowane dożywotnio ale wpadłem na znakomity pomysł i postanowiłem napisac do expekta z pytaniem czy napewno ten pomysł jest znakomity
    Oto on:


    Mam jeszcze takie pytanie , czy moja Mama może zaczac grac w karty i zalożyc u was konto? czy bedze przesladowana w jakis sposob?


    Witamy Serdecznie
    Jesli Panska mama korzysta z tego samego komputera/adresu IP i zamieszkuje to samo domostwo - nie moze otworzyc konta gracza.


    Moja mama ma taki sam adres zmeldowania jak ja ale używa swojego komputera i ma swoj adres IP czy w takim razie może?Jest bardzo miła i sympatyczna i napewno nie bedze sprawiała takich kłopotów jak ja


    Witamy Serdecznie
    Jesli spelnia te warunki i to nie Pan bedzie korzystal z tejaplikacji, moze otworzyc konto gracza.


    Właśnie w tym tkwi cały problem bo jak ja naucze moja Mame grac w karty (przekaże jej moje wskazowki i spostrzeżenia) to naturalna koleją rzeczy jest ze moja Mama bedze grała podobnie do mnie.
    Boje sie żeby w przyszłosci nie zostala posadzona ze to nie Ona gra a ja i zeby nie miała kłopotow z tego powodu bo nie wybaczył bym sobie do konca życia ze własna Matke wpakowałem na mine pozdrawiam


    Witamy Serdecznie
    Szanowny Panie, podejmujac pewne dzialania w przeszlosci narazil sie
    Pan na takie sytuacje. Moze zaistniec takie podejrzenie, wiec sugerujemy przemyslec ta sprawe i oczywiscie nie mozemy niczego obiecac.
    Takimi sprawami zajmuje sie dzial Pokera.


    Tak ja Pana doskonale rozumiem ale chciał bym o jednoznaczną odpowedz czy moja mama może bez obaw grac u Was w servisie i jak bedze przestrzegac
    Waszego regulaminu czy nie zostanie posadzona o powiązania ze mna?(wkoncu jest moja Matka i to logiczne ze mam z nia spory kontakt ibede ja uczyl grać ale to ona bedze grala ja bede jej tylko doradcą)
    Jest jasna sprawa że ja nie bede grał na jej koncie bo było by to po pierwsze oszustwem a po 2 bylo by to nie moralne z mojej strony ,tak że zapewniam Pana ze z mojej strony jak najbardzej wszystko bedze wporzadku.Ale z w/w powodow boje sie zeby mojej Matce nie zostalo nieslusznie zablokowane konto.


    Witamy Serdecznie
    Prosze skontaktowac sie z dzialem Pokera w tej sprawie, na adres poker@expekt.com, w jezyku angielskim. Byc moze uzyska Pan bardziej dokladna informacje.

    Morał myśle że sam się nasuwa...

  2. #2
    Apr 2005
    kosmiczny batalion w galaktyce zła
    z ta mamą to na serio ? hehe pomysł dobry, tzn znakomity : P

  3. #3
    Tak na serio , moja przygoda z hazardem zczeła sie kiedyś jak byłem na wakacjach Mama dała mi 5zł zebym pykna na JB.Ja nie majac zielonego pojecia o co tam chodzi zaczolem grac i oczywiście wygralem chyba odrazu jakies 200zł :lol: coś w stylu pawlaka"ja tylko pociągną".No i czuje ze musze teraz Mamie sie odwdzeczyc za te 5zł i naucze ja grac w karty :lol:

  4. #4
    No to sobie przekombinowałeś Zelik

  5. #5
    Mar 2005
    i co dalej z twoja kariera zawodowego pokerzysty??gdzie teraz mozna ciebie spotkac??

  6. #6
    W parkACH I bramach topie smutki w alkoholu... :x

  7. #7
    Mar 2005
    heheheheh... a co powiesz na inny pokeroom netowy??expekt byl taki wyjatkowy???