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  1. #21
    Cytat Zamieszczone przez sebkrol18 Zobacz posta

    Pytanie za miliard dolarów to: Co zrobią Stany Zjednoczone?

    W ostatnich dniach stało się jasne, że amerykański Senat nie dopuści do zatwierdzenia Aktu Zakazu Internetowego Hazardu, niezależnie, czy zostanie on przedstawiony w formie pojedynczej ustawy, czy też zostanie dołączony do innych projektów, zanim uda się na przerwę wyborczą, która zacznie się dziś lub w sobotę. Historia pokazała, że takie „po-wyborcze" posiedzenia Senatu są na ogół bardzo powściągliwe w omawianiu spraw, które spotkały się z tak ognistą dyskusją.

    Poza tym serwis przestan gadac jak zwykle bzdury ja jakos gram sobie na i4poker i amerykanow prawie nie widze wiec czemu mialbym szukac innego zajecia
    Sebkrol i nie wiesz ze siec B2B Wywalila graczy z USA i było o tym bardzo głosno ale widocznie ten twoj serwis informacyjny ktory tez lobbujesz nie napisał o tym heheh

    Najpierw to sprawdz te twoje przestarzałe informacje i potem neguj wypowiedzi innych.

    Obejsc to mozna przepisy i blokady w Polsce a w USA nie robią takich wpadek jak na przykład nasz rząd. Druga spraw obejsc beda chcieli to napewno zawodowi gracz i ci co sie utrzymuja z tego niedzielni gracze tego nie bedą obchodzic. Wielu graczy gra nieletnich po 14-17 lat i oni raczej nie podejdą do tego obchodzenia powaznie bo graja na czyjes dane itp.

    Co do netellera to jesli nie wplaca do kasyn poker roomow i buków to musi swiadczyc inne usługi narazie tego nie robi ale moze bedzie swiadczył i wtedy mozna było by przyjmować wpłaty i wypłaty pieniędzy.

    otworzenie konta w banku na przyklad w UK online z tego co było ostatnio jest nie realna wiec jak by taaki gracz z USA miał to uczynić
    Ostatnio edytowane przez Kirek ; 30-09-2006 o 16:33 Powód: standardowe obelgi na innych użytkowników :|

  2. #22
    Dec 2005
    nic nie neguje poprostu napisalem co pisze w innym zrodle ale ty przeciez nie rozumiesz polskiego to sorry

    a podaje nazwe serwisu informacyjnego poniewaz stad pochodzi cytat i tak wypada zrobic

    ale dla ciebie lobbing

    nie ma co z toba dyskutowac "czlowieku"

  3. #23
    Jan 2005
    A section by section breakdown of the Gambling Bill with commentary.....
    I am going to attempt to decipher the Legislation passed last night by disecting the bill itself. Keep in mind – I am not a legal expert – I am just a normal guy who has read the bill 10 times and am going to take a stab at clarification.

    The bill that pertains to gambling starts on page 213 of this document and runs through page 244. Use that document as reference.

    The law is has subchapters 5361 through 5367.

    5361: deals with the reasons congress felt the need to do this. It is short – runs through line 17 of page 214.

    5362: definitions of terms to be used in the bill.
    It defines:
    1. Bet or Wager on pages 215 through line 11 on page 219. This is where they carve out horse racing and lotteries etc.
    2. Business of Betting or Wagering on line 12 of page 219. This is defining a sportsbook or poker site or online casino.
    3. Designated Payment System on line 17 of page 219. This is the method (such as EFT) by which a transfer of funds can be made.
    4. Financial Transaction Provider on line 4 of page 220. This is your neteller, cc’s, WU, banks etc.
    5. Internet on line 15 of page 220. We all know what the internet is – congress probably doesn’t.
    6. Interactive Computer Service on line 18 of page 220. This is a tricky one and a very important one. I have been told that this is not ISP’s, but this is companies that own servers. The importance is coming later in the document.
    7. Restricted Transactions on line 1 of page 221. Self explanatory.
    8. Secretary and State.
    9. Unlawful Internet Gambling that starts on line 13 of page 221 and runs through line 2 of page 228. 7 pages are devoted to spelling out this definition. This is where it says that betting on poker or sports is different than betting in a casino or horse racing. Very long, but pretty straight forward.
    10. Other terms that starts on line 3 of page 228 and runs through the end of page 229. This defines credit cars, efts etc – obvious stuff.

    5363: Describes the prohibition on ACCEPTANCE of any financial instrument for unlawful internet gambling (see definition above). This is the meat of the bill and is only about one and a half pages long. It says that no person engaged in the business of betting (bookmaker) may accept:
    1. Credit including cc’s
    2. An eft.
    3. Check, draft, or similar instrument
    4. Any proceeds (a catch all)

    5364: Policies and procedures to identify and prevent restricted transactions.

    A. Regulations: On line 7 of page 231 it states that there will be a 270 day period where a board including the Federal Reserve System and the Attorney General will prescribe regulations for which the banks and payment processors need to follow.

    The goal of these policies and procedures is outlined on page 232 and they are basically saying that they need to identify and block the transactions and give the operators a procedure to follow.

    B. Requirements for Policies and procedures. On line 12 of page 232 they talk about the requirements of this board to come up with procedures.

    C. Compliance: Line 19 page 233. Talks about when operators of financial transactions are in compliance.

    D. No liability for blocking or refusing transactions: Line 16 page 234. This one scares me a little. It basically said that the operator (your bank) cant be held responsible for blocking a transaction if they think it is gambling related.

    E. Regulatory enforcement. Line 10 page 235. Which govt agencies will enforce this.

    5365: Civil remedies. Line 3 page 236.

    This subchapter is devoted to how the Govt courts and Attorney General may enforce the law.
    Proceedings. Line 11 page 236. This talks about the procedures of how an attorney general can prosecute. Seems like pretty standard stuff and nothing unique to this bill.
    Limitation relating to Interactive Computer Services. Line 1 page 239. This is a key section and it all comes down to the definition of “interactive computer services”. In subparagraph A, line 6 page 239, it states that disabling access and removing links to online sites is necessary THAT RESIDE ON A COMPUTER SERVER THAT SUCH SERVICE CONTROLS AND OPERATES. From what I understand, this means hosting services, not ISP’s. So if a US company is hosting Pinnacle, they have to stop and not provide access. This is yet to be clarified and I am not ruling out that this includes ISP’s, but it is my opinion right now that it does not include ISP’s.
    Limitations on injunctions against regulated persons. Line 5 page 241.
    5366: Criminal penalties. Line 15 page 241.

    This goes through the penalties for the PROVIDER if they are in violation.

    5367: Circumventions prohibited. Line 4 page 242. This basically redefines that if you are in the business of taking bets, this law applies to you.

    In conclusion, this is my opinion of how this will effect the average gambler:
    Neteller might go away. It will be their choice, but they may decide not to take American Customers. They are not subject to this law as they are a foreign based banking operation – but they might abide by it.
    There is a 270 day period to figure out how to enforce it. Right now there is no way because there is no coding of EFT’s. It is possible that they might not even find a way to do this or it might be too expensive.
    Nothing in this bill criminalizes your behavior as the bettor.
    Nothing in this bill criminalizes you if you are not a bookmaking operation and you send or receive payments.
    The responsibility is on US banking, payment processors, and epayment services to stop this.
    American hosts of illegal gambling websites will have to stop. I do not believe that ISP’s have anything to do with this and there will be no attempt to block pinnacle from getting to your computer.

    Please remember. I am just a normal guy who has read this thing 10 times. I am not a legal expert. But the language is written very clearly in most places and I don’t think there is anything I am misinterpreting or misunderstanding.

  4. #24
    Jan 2006
    Dla mnie załamka, headsupy na noble gram z samymi amerykanami ;/

  5. #25
    May 2005
    Ja bym sie tym na prawde nie martwil...

    Ameryka to kraj najwiekszych biznesow na swiecie, myslicie, ze pozwola sobie by znikl ten, ktory aktualnie rozwija sie najszybciej ? Nie badzmy smieszni, tylko serwis pokerowy widzi juz na PS 200 graczy zamiast 80 tysiecy...

    Wyloozujcie sie... Gdyby swiat byl tak piekny i moralny Kaczynscy podnosili by mydlo a jak jest wszyscy wiemy.

  6. #26
    Tak TAk wszystko bedzie można obserwować po akcjach Party Gaming a ze amerykanów ubędzie to jest przesądzone tylko zostało pytanie od kiedy to będzie odczuwalne. Na początku poker roomy zyskaja na tym poniewaz gracze nawpłacaja wiecej kasy zeby miec potem na dłuzsze granie nom ale jak wszystko w pokerze ma koniec i poczatek to czesc graczy przegra i odejdzie tylko wrócą ci co maja zyski i oplaca się im na tym interesie

  7. #27
    Apr 2006
    Widełka, Rzeszów
    a ta ustawa to juz przeszla wszystkie etapy i juz wchodzi w zycie czy jeszcze mozna ja zablokowac. nie wiem moze Busz gra w pokera online i jak mozliwosci to ja zablokuje

  8. #28
    kurak - zdaje się że przeszła przez ich niższą izbę i leci do wyższej (ponoć na 90% wejdzie w życie w niezmienionej formie). prawdopodobnie nie zacznie działać jeszcze przez 2-3 miechy (tak twierdzą na 2+2)

    zdaje się że ustawa polega na zbanowaniu płatności do pokeroomów. ale swoją drogą, kto im zabroni założyć konto w europie i stamtąd słać.

    bush chyba raczej nie zablokuje ustawy bo jest z tej samej opcji co dekiel który przepchnął ta ustawę (republikanie)

  9. #29
    Powstaje jeszcze jeden problem czy poker roomy będą chciały przyjmowac płatnosci od graczy z USA? Na przyklad w sieci B2B i Cryptologic NIE

  10. #30
    Jun 2005
    To może nie będzie tak znowu źle

    Analysis of the Recently Passed Anti-gaming Legislation 09/30/2006 04:12 PM
    Although the Congress of the United States passed a port security bill containing the anti-online gaming language championed by Senator Frist, the effects on American poker players are far from clear. A reading of the actual text of the anti-gaming measure would confuse most government scholars, but there are a number of clear indications regarding the bill's possible impact on US players.

    First, this bill did not make any changes in the legal status of playing the game, which means that players need not fear that they are suddenly committing a crime by playing online. Do not be surprised if the popular media misinterprets this in the coming days because the word “illegal” makes for good sound bites.

    The bill, as passed, attempts to interrupt the flow of deposits from US players to their chosen poker sites. At this time, it is unclear whether this can be successfully implemented because enforcement would lie in the hands of American banks, whose representatives have testified that it is an unworkable, unenforceable plan, and one that would place an impossible burden on local financial institutions. Also, it is worth remembering that there is language in the bill, which proscribes an “escape clause,” that releases banks from having to follow types of transactions that are not practical to block.

    The bill contained no language prohibiting players from collecting their money, redeeming winnings, or cashing out their accounts in the methods that they are accustomed to using. In short, a player who currently has money in poker account(s) or in the hands of Neteller (or other e-wallets) need not be concerned that their bankrolls are in jeopardy.

    One area of the bill, which defies understanding, is whether the bill's language can be stretched to include a requirement that Internet Service Providers somehow monitor their customers and undertake efforts to block access to classes of websites such as poker rooms. The early opinions of those knowledgeable in this area are that this will not occur.

    The Port Security Bill containing the anti-online gaming language will probably be signed by the President within the next 2 weeks. After that, the legislation provides a 270-day period for creating a way of enforcing the new law.

    What can be done to change the results of last night's midnight vote? Our best advice is to become educated about the actual ramifications of the bill in the next few weeks. Then identify and support the activist groups, which will undoubtedly rise in opposition to this attempt to curtail the rights and freedoms of American poker players. There will most likely be plenty of lawful opposition to these new conditions, and all US poker players will have opportunities to make their voices heard. Bad laws have been passed before. And they have been repealed. Stay tuned, we’ll keep you updated.