The 2008 Beijing Olympics is generating all sorts of news before the run up to the gamessome news are positive while few of them raises concerns about health issues especially respiratory that many will suffer during the Beijing Olympic Games due to the air pollution of Beijing.

But, thankfully the Chinese government is taking all possible steps to reduce the air pollution levels in the host for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. And going by the way, the host country have taken measures to make the upcoming 2008 Beijing Olympic Games safe and memorable, no one can doubt about their assurances that the world will find Beijing air breathable and will have clear blue sky unlike now which dark filled with smog.

The government has taken the following steps to reduce the pollution levels of Beijing.

1. They have improved the road network of the city and have extended the subway network system in Beijing so that people shun their cars, which will go a long way in reducing the pollution levels of the city.
2. They have planned to ban the use of cars during the 2008 Beijing Olympics to avoid traffic congestions in the city.
3. All the overseas visitors will be issued with special passes to use in new buses and the subway trains.
4. The government is encouraging people to use more and more public transportations.
5. In an attempt to make the citys air clean, the government in 2007 had banned 1 million cars from plying in Beijingthe host city for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
6. The Chinese government has spent approximately $ 14 billion on reducing the air pollution of Beijing city.

These are some of the measures that the government has taken to bring down the pollution levels of Beijing and many environmental experts believe that Beijing will indeed have clean air and blue sky for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

What many athletes have said about Beijings air pollution?

The team manager China Facial Sheet Mask Suppliers of the US boxing team that visited Beijing last month had said that air pollution was so much that there boxers ran in the hotel alley to avoid choking.

A US cyclist who was there in Beijing had said he saw smog floating inside the Velodrome in Beijing and that he developed breathing problem during his stay there.

How athletes are gearing up to face Beijings air pollution?

It will be shocking to hear this Gold Mask Sheet Suppliers but its true. Many athletes have asked that should they run behind bus in order to make themselves acclimatize with smog that they might face in Beijing.

While few athletes have considered running on the highway during he peak hours to get the feel of Beijings notorious air pollution.

Some are considering wearing a mask when they arrive in Beijing for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

However, there are many athletes who believe that athletes should not put on breathing mask because that will hurt the feelings of the host nation. And it has sense considering the fact that the Chinese government is taking mammoth steps to curtail the air pollution.