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  1. #1
    Jan 2006
    Uwaga, ktoś włamał mi się na konto Full Tilt Poker !!!
    Wirusów ani spyware nie mam na 99,9% - non stop działą norton2010 oraz malwarebytes anty-spyware.
    Dosłownie przed 15 minutami odbieram e-mail-e (bardzo zdziwiony):
    "This is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.

    Your Player ID: PaSiEk
    Date and Time: 2010-06-25 06:54:14
    Transfer Number: 05A8AAED
    Payment Method: Visa
    Amount: $900.00

    Status: PROCESSING

    Your funds deposit request has been received. Due to the high volume of requests, processing of your deposit request may take between 24 and 48 hours to complete.

    For further assistance, please visit our website at:
    or contact cashier@fulltiltpoker.com.

    Thank you for playing at Full Tilt Poker

    I po sekundzie, że depozyt się nie powiódł:

    "This is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.

    Your Player ID: PaSiEk
    Date and Time: 2010-06-25 06:54:18
    Transfer Number: 05A8AAED
    Payment Method: Visa
    Amount: $900.00

    Status: DECLINED

    Your deposit request has been declined. Please review your personal account information to ensure that it is the same as the information stored with your payment processor. You may correct any of your personal information and try again. If you are still unsuccessful, you may wish to try one of the other available deposit methods.

    For further assistance in depositing funds to your account, please visit our website at:
    or contact cashier@fulltiltpoker.com.

    Minutę później kolejny e-mail:

    "This is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.

    Your Player ID: PaSiEk
    Date and Time: 2010-06-25 06:54:50
    Transfer Number: 05A8AB11
    Payment Method: Visa
    Amount: $600.00

    Status: PROCESSING

    Your funds deposit request has been received. Due to the high volume of requests, processing of your deposit request may take between 24 and 48 hours to complete.

    For further assistance, please visit our website at:
    or contact cashier@fulltiltpoker.com.

    Thank you for playing at Full Tilt Poker

    Tym razem depozyt się powiódł!

    "Thank you for your recent deposit on Full Tilt Poker. Please read this email carefully and keep a copy for your records.
    The details of your transaction are as follows:
    Payment Method: Visa
    Amount on your Statement: $600.00
    Description on Your Statement:
    Deposit Amount: $600.00
    Date and Time: 2010-06-25 06:54:53
    Status: Approved
    If you need to refer to this transaction again our Transfer Number is: 05A8AB11
    If you have any further queries please contact cashier@fulltiltpoker.com or simply reply to this email.
    Thanks again, we look forward to seeing you online,
    Full Tilt Poker


    Oczywiście od razu odpalam FTP i najpierw aktualizacja softu, następnie próba logowania i komunikat "Konto jest już używane" !
    Automatyczny e-mail do supportu, ale znając ich to odpiszą za 2 dni
    Na szczęście próbuję dalej i po kilku próbach (ok 30 sekund) udaje się zalogować!
    Rzeczywiście na koncie $600, dodana nowa visa, ważna do lipca 2013...
    Zmiana hasła i zostaję na sofcie - może support odpisze dziś....

    NA SZCZESCIE nie mialem na koncie zadnej gotowki - ale jeszcze zaledwie miesiąc - dwa temu mialem tam spory % roll-a , strach pomyslec co by bylo jakby on tam byl dalej (brak e-maila o depozycie tylko zapewne chipdumping mojej kasy....).
    Chociaz teraz nasuwa sie pytanie - czy ktos sie wlamywal z intencja depozytu kradziona karta? SKAD MIAL MOJE HASLO jesli nawet to czy nie lepiej stworzyc nowe konto i tam zrobic depozyt?? Calkiem podobna sytuacja do tej sprzed kilku dni na pokerstars:

    Na koniec mala dygresja: tak jak przez 5 lat nigdy nie balem sie o swoje srodki on-line, tak teraz jestem przerazony.

  2. #2
    szkoda,ze mi sie ktos nie wlamie i nie zostawi $600 hmm ,
    na konto FTP latwo mozna sie wlamac przez maila ,dlatego adres email powinien byc tajny i uzywany TYLKO dla maili z FTP,bylo wiele takich przypadkow na 2+2
    tylko ,ze tam kasa znikala ,moze ktos chcial zrobic depozyt(y) na twoje konto z kradzionej karty,a nastepnie przegrac kase np w HU dla kogos innego

  3. #3
    Aug 2007
    Cytat Zamieszczone przez PaSiEk Zobacz posta
    Na koniec mala dygresja: tak jak przez 5 lat nigdy nie balem sie o swoje srodki on-line, tak teraz jestem przerazony.
    Nie dziwię się. SICK!!!

    Cytat Zamieszczone przez Henryk_Kwinto Zobacz posta
    na konto FTP latwo mozna sie wlamac przez maila ,dlatego adres email powinien byc tajny i uzywany TYLKO dla maili z FTP
    Myślę, że nawet jak ktoś ogarnie maila/login i hasło, sprawę załatwia token.

  4. #4
    Jan 2006
    Jednak plus dla ftp, szybko odebrali maila i zadzialali...

    @henryk: na to wyglada, tylko po co? teoretycznie powinienem miec tam duzo wiecej niz ten depozyt wiec zastanawia mnie to czy z gory bylo zalozenie depozyt-dumping?
    Co do maila to nie wiem jak mozna sie wlamac? przypomnienie hasla na e-mail? to nadal musi ktos miec moje haslo do meila, a takiego przypomnienia nie mam w skrzynce.

    Oraz email od nich:
    "Hello Slawomir,

    During our security review, we detected a suspicious login to your Full Tilt Poker account.

    Upon review this login originated from a foreign serial, the deposit which was made on your account has been reversed.

    As a precaution, we have temporarily suspended the basic functionality (play, chat, transfer, etc.) of your Full Tilt Poker account. We will restore these rights once we receive email confirmation that you have changed your account password.

    To change your Full Tilt Poker account password, please follow these three steps:

    1) Log in to your Full Tilt Poker account.
    2) In the "Account" menu, select "Change Password".
    3) Enter your current and new passwords and select "OK".

    We also strongly recommend you change the password on your email account immediately.

    Here are more suggestions you can use to protect yourself and keep your Full Tilt Poker account secure:

    * Use our "Login with PIN" authentication method. This feature provides you with a 3 "Card" PIN that's entered along with your password when you log in to your Full Tilt Poker account. For more information and the steps required to implement this feature, please visit: http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/securit...login-with-pin

    * Never share your password or Login PIN with anyone, not even family or friends. Treat your password and PIN like your banking PIN and keep it secret.

    * Use a complex password. Ideally your password should include at least 8 alphanumeric symbols. For example, "po_k3R-One" is a stronger password than "poker1".

    * Use an email address for your Full Tilt Poker account that does not resemble your Player ID and has not been disclosed to anyone else, including your family and friends. You can update your password and email address in the "Account" menu in the Full Tilt Poker software.

    * Do not use the passwords for your poker account or email address when signing up for poker related websites or services.

    * Change your login preference so you log in using your email address, not your Player ID. This option is available in the "Security" menu under "Login Preference" in the Full Tilt Poker software.

    * Keep your spyware and anti-virus programs up to date and run them regularly to ensure there are no harmful programs on your computer.

    * If you decide to use the "Remember Password" feature, be cautious when allowing others to access your computer. Family and friends may log in and play without realizing your account contains real money.

    For other ways to protect yourself online at Full Tilt Poker, please visit: http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/identityProtection.php

    Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.


    Neil K
    Full Tilt Poker

    Please remember never to give out your password or enter account details over the Internet. Full Tilt Poker staff will never ask you for your password. For your security, always keep this information a secret.

    Learn, Chat, and Play with the Pros at Full Tilt Poker

    Co ciekawe - rzeczywiscie hasla z e-maila oraz ftp sie pokrywają! (prawdopodobnie tylko na ftp wynikla taka sytuacja gdyz staram sie uzywac roznych hasel).

  5. #5
    jak sie ma gdzies srodki ktorych strata moze zabolec (dla jednych 500$, dla innych kilka K) to token to podstawa
    a fulltilt to fulltilt, dobrze ze sie zorientowales, znajomego okradli tam z 1k(?), support ftp odpisal ze pewnie po pijaku wbil i zaczal grac 10x wieksze stawki i do tego hu ktorych nigdy nie gral

  6. #6
    Dec 2007
    W sumie nawet tam nie grywam ale kupilem sobie ta wersje tokena wgrywana na komorke i dziala ok