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Wątek: Sharkscope ban

  1. #1
    Jan 2007
    Niedawno doszło do zbanowania przez PokerStars najważniejszego programu dla grających SNG - sharkscope`a. Co o tym myślicie?

    Moim zdaniem jest to akcja słuszna z moralnego punktu widzenia - przegrywacze mają prawo aby inni o tym nie wiedzieli (generalnie nikt nie powinien mieć szczegółowej wiedzy o turniejach w których nie grał), ale sposób w jaki jest to egzekwowany budzi moje wątpliwości. Pierwszy raz w życiu spotkałem się z sytuacją w której pokerroom zabrania całkowitego odwiedzania strony internetowej (SharkScope - The Largest Online Poker Tournament Results Database) pod rygorem utraty konta i pieniędzy na nim. Rozumiem, żeby zakazać używania programów, ale wizytowania www? Zabronione jest sprawdzenie własnych statystyk, zabronione jest nawet wejście na sharkscope kiedy nie ma się otwartego Pokerstars.

    Nie rozumiem też czemu PS pozwala jakimś automatycznym botom zbierać data mining z turniejów SNG. Po prostu powinni dobrać się do skóry zbierającym dane, a nie ostrzegać zwykłych użytkowników przed wchodzeniem na www.

    PokerStars jest zdecydowanie numerem 1 wśród wszystkich pokerroomów, ale sposób rozwiązania tej sprawy mi się nie podoba.

  2. #2
    Mar 2004
    Cytat Zamieszczone przez Rado Zobacz posta
    zabronione jest nawet wejście na sharkscope kiedy nie ma się otwartego Pokerstars.
    Z tym to chyba przesadziłeś. Gdzie jest taki zapis?


  3. #3
    Feb 2007
    Rok temu = niedawno?

  4. #4
    Mar 2004
    Od roku był pod obserwacją, ostateczna decyzja podjęta w ostatni wtorek.


  5. #5
    Feb 2007
    Nie wiem o co chodzi, ale już od dawna był zabroniony, przynajmniej ich program (nie mówię o stronie)
    Ostatnio edytowane przez Kirek ; 12-11-2008 o 15:38 Powód: usunięty zbędny cytat

  6. #6
    Jan 2007
    Program był zabroniony od dawna = w sharkscope hudzie nawet nie miałeś opcji nakładki na pokerstars. Problem polega na tym że wczoraj zbanowano stronę www! Nie wolno w ogóle wchodzić na tą stronę i sprawdzać graczy, nawet jeśli się nie jest podłączonym do internetu. Przesada? Cytaty ze strony pokerstars

    The following mini-FAQ answers many of the common questions players are
    asking about our policy as regards SharkScope and sites like it.

    Q: How can SharkScope be prohibited software when it isn't software?
    It's only a website.

    A: The policy under which SharkScope is prohibited covers this. We
    define prohibited software as programs or databases, and specifically
    include websites that contain prohibited data as being themselves


    Q: Why is this considered an unfair advantage? I'm just looking up stats
    on whether a player is a winning player or not....

    A: Part of the game of poker is in learning about your opponents' skills
    and tendencies through game play against them. We believe you should
    not be able to come to a game pre-armed with information about your
    opponents if you have never played against them. Thus, we explicitly
    permit tools that are based upon your own hands played (hand history
    analyzers, HUDs and such), but prohibit tools that are based upon
    "datamining", or the gathering of hands in which you did not play.


    Q: Why are some sites similar to SharkScope permitted, while SharkScope
    is banned?

    A: We have drawn a clear dividing line between what a site can show and
    what they cannot. Without a player's permission, a site may only show
    gross winnings. Net winnings, or ROI, or profitability, may only be
    shown if a player opts in and gives explicit permission for his data
    to be available to others. In other words, a site can show that you
    have cashed in 35 events for prize awards totalling $26,115, but it
    cannot show that you entered 511 events and are a net loser over time,
    unless you grant permission.

    Those sites that have agreed to this policy are not prohibited. Those
    sites that have refused to comply with this policy, are prohibited.
    Among those sites that have agreed to our policy, that are or very
    shortly will be working on an opt-in basis for ROI, and thus will
    eventually join the list of permitted programs, are:


    Q: I'm only using it to check my own stats, or looking up players on
    another site. That's OK, right?

    A: No, it is not. We don't track who you are checking up on. We only
    note the access of the website, and don't make a distinction between
    who is being looked up, or what site a lookup is for. Any access
    to SharkScope while the PokerStars client is running (even to look
    up a player on another site) will result in an automated warning.
    As such, you may not use SharkScope on other sites while playing on
    PokerStars. Any access to SharkScope to look up data on a PokerStars
    player (even yourself, even if the PokerStars client is not running)
    is prohibited.

    Those that want to track their own stats are advised to acquire a
    hand history analysis tool, such as PokerTracker, Holdem Manager,
    Poker Office, or any number of other explicitlt permitted programs
    into which your own hand histories may be imported real-time as
    you play. We are happy to provide any player that asks with a copy
    of every hand they have ever played on PokerStars.


    Q: Can I use SharkScope to look up players before and after my games,
    or when the PokerStars software is not running?

    A: "Teacher, can I cheat on my exam when you're not looking?"

    Just because we aren't watching at the time does not mean that the
    rules are suspended. The purpose of the rule is to prevent players
    from having information that they should not have, and the rule still
    applies before and after the games, difficulty in detection and
    enforcement notwithstanding.


    Q: Doesn't that mean that someone without scruples and willing to break
    the rules by hiding their use of these tools will gain an advantage?

    A: Perhaps in the short term. PokerStars remains dedicated to enforcing
    a fairness policy equally and to all players. A player that tries
    to "stealth" his use of prohibited tools runs the risk of losing his
    account and possibly the funds on deposit if they are found to be
    in wilfull and knowing violation of our terms. We will continue to
    improve both our detection methods and our means of preventing data
    gathering in order to keep the playing field as level as can be.


    Q: Then why don't you just block SharkScope from gathering the data in
    the first place? Why warn the players, when it is SharkScope that
    is in greater violation to begin with for gathering the data?

    A: This is in the works as well. The player warnings will go hand in
    hand with new software features designed to prevent mass datamining
    by these sites.


    Q: How did you detect that I was visiting this site? I don't like you
    snooping on my computer. What else are you looking at?

    A: PokerStars values player privacy (which is one reason we have
    implemented this policy). Our terms of service to which you agreed
    give us permission to examine certain aspects of your computer for
    prohibited programs or accesses. We balance this with privacy by
    collecting and storing ONLY that data which relates to prohibited
    programs. We do not take screen captures of your screen. We do
    not look in your browser cache. We do not take note of your visits
    to websites other than those of prohibited programs. We do not
    gather any data that is not directly related to prohibit program

  7. #7
    Nov 2006
    A ja jestem bardzo ciekawy w jaki sposob zamierzacie wykryc kogos kto sprawdza sharkscope z innego komputera i na innym polaczeniu internetowym?

    Dla graczy sng hu z wysokich stawek kupno nowego laptopa i kolejnego lacza internetowego to zaden wydatek ( 1 buy in ). Dla calej reszty tez nie za duzy

  8. #8
    Jan 2007
    Nie mogą wykryć dlatego przepis jest martwy. Dziś mój znajomy z zagranicy grał stepa 6 i spytał innego znajomego nie-pokerzystę żeby sprawdził kto jest kto na sharkscope. Gdybym grał na b wysokie stawki 200$+ myślę że sprawdzałbym też na laptopie czy pytałbym znajomych, zaś na moich 27/38$ nie jest to w zasadzie potrzebne jak kto gra od razu widać. W obecnej sytuacji faworyzowane są osoby stawiające przed sobą 2 komputery.

  9. #9
    Feb 2007
    Kolega obserwował innego grającego i włączył sharkscope'a, żeby kogoś sprawdzić i nawet wtedy wyskoczył pop-up:


    It has come to our attention at PokerStars that you are accessing a prohibited third party website known as "" during your game play.

    Perhaps you were unaware that the use of SharkScope was against the rules, but use of this software under any circumstances is against our terms of service. Those terms of service are located here:

    Poker Stars - Online Poker Site Terms of Service

    Among them are these terms:

    prohibits those External Player Assistance Programs ("EPA
    Programs") which are designed to provide an "Unfair Advantage"
    to players. PokerStars defines "External" to mean computer
    software...and non-software-based databases or profiles (e.g.
    web sites and subscription services). PokerStars defines
    an "Unfair Advantage" as any instance in which a User
    accesses or compiles information on other players beyond
    that which the User has personally observed through the
    User's own game play. We encourage you to read our
    Prohibited Online Software FAQ at:

    Prohibited Online Poker Software Programs

    As SharkScope provides statistics based upon a large database of hands in which you did not play, it is considered to be in violation of this policy.

    We are aware that many who receive this alert do not subscribe to SharkScope, but do use the 5 free daily lookups to check their own stats. We do not distinguish between such uses, however, and even this use of SharkScope is prohibited.

    For a brief transition period, we will only be issuing this alert. We ask that you stop using SharkScope immediately. On November 15, we will begin closing the accounts of players found to be using SharkScope despite having received and acknowledged a warning.

    Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, and for helping us to keep PokerStars' games a fair and level playing field for all players.

    Best Regards,

    PokerStars Game Security


  10. #10
    Dec 2006
    To jest śmiechu warte, skoro zamykają nawet stronę to niech sami prowadzą statystyki z sng. Ja tam sprawdzam tylko siebie, bo po co mi wiedzieć czy gram z debilem czy z jeszcze większym debilem?