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Pokaż wyniki od 71 do 80 z 119
  1. #71
    Full Tilt Poker Game #10672935729: Jackson Guarantee (80374830), Table 7 - 80/160 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:50:13 ET - 2009/02/16
    Seat 1: saccer (4,024)
    Seat 2: Haze Around (5,475)
    Seat 3: golfer1307 (2,695)
    Seat 4: JahKayLin (1,860)
    Seat 5: Josek_pl (7,940)
    Seat 6: Gee1010 (1,030)
    Seat 7: call in 33 (14,777)
    Seat 8: FamousJerry (3,160)
    Seat 9: master59 (4,775)
    Josek_pl posts the small blind of 80
    Gee1010 posts the big blind of 160
    The button is in seat #4
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to Josek_pl [ ]
    call in 33 calls 160
    FamousJerry calls 160
    zzobe14 (Observer): good luck Josek
    master59 has 15 seconds left to act
    master59 folds
    saccer calls 160
    zzobe14 (Observer): im out
    Haze Around calls 160
    golfer1307 folds
    JahKayLin folds
    Josek_pl calls 80
    Gee1010 checks
    *** FLOP *** [ ]
    Josek_pl checks
    Gee1010 checks
    call in 33 bets 160
    FamousJerry folds
    saccer calls 160
    Haze Around calls 160
    Josek_pl raises to 800
    Gee1010 has 15 seconds left to act
    Gee1010 folds
    call in 33 folds
    saccer calls 640
    Haze Around folds
    *** TURN *** [ ] []
    Josek_pl bets 1,120
    saccer raises to 3,064, and is all in
    Josek_pl calls 1,944
    saccer shows [ ]
    Josek_pl shows [ ]
    *** RIVER *** [ ] []
    saccer shows a pair of Nines
    Josek_pl shows two pair, Queens and Nines
    Josek_pl wins the pot (9,008) with two pair, Queens and Nines
    saccer stands up


    po tym to mnie gosc przez 10 minut od moronow wyzywal

    Full Tilt Poker Game #10673133207: $21,000 Guarantee (80251070), Table 72 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:00:46 ET - 2009/02/16
    Seat 1: monty63 (9,854)
    Seat 2: daisyxoxo (4,580)
    Seat 3: BlackJack_Mav (9,787)
    Seat 4: Madcityb (2,014)
    Seat 5: hogeater (3,500)
    Seat 6: Josek_pl (9,967)
    Seat 7: j von and (4,305)
    Seat 8: Elexes Aguilar1 (5,612)
    Seat 9: Faust_fin (5,065)
    Elexes Aguilar1 posts the small blind of 40
    Faust_fin posts the big blind of 80
    The button is in seat #7
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to Josek_pl [ ]
    monty63 folds
    daisyxoxo folds
    BlackJack_Mav raises to 300
    Madcityb folds
    hogeater folds
    Josek_pl calls 300
    j von and folds
    Elexes Aguilar1 folds
    Faust_fin folds
    *** FLOP *** [ ]
    BlackJack_Mav has 15 seconds left to act
    BlackJack_Mav bets 650
    Josek_pl calls 650
    *** TURN *** [ ] []
    BlackJack_Mav has 15 seconds left to act
    BlackJack_Mav bets 1,800
    Josek_pl calls 1,800
    *** RIVER *** [ ] []
    BlackJack_Mav has 15 seconds left to act
    BlackJack_Mav checks
    Josek_pl bets 2,080
    BlackJack_Mav has 15 seconds left to act
    BlackJack_Mav has requested TIME
    BlackJack_Mav folds
    Uncalled bet of 2,080 returned to Josek_pl
    Josek_pl shows [ ] a pair of Sixes
    Josek_pl wins the pot (5,620)

  2. #72
    Oct 2008
    w turnieju bylem card dead i nie mialem z czym grac i raisowac wiec zeby troche statsy znormalizowac zagralem takowa reke

    Full Tilt Poker Game #10689681222: $13,500 KO Guarantee (80415497), Table 19 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:59:43 ET - 2009/02/17
    Seat 1: TheDarkKnight4 (3,520)
    Seat 2: oggy1981 (5,145)
    Seat 3: eLPe21 (3,110)
    Seat 4: ilmagowalter (5,510)
    Seat 5: mabutoo (2,505)
    Seat 6: Hofrat666 (1,815)
    Seat 7: ValentinoPoker (2,305)
    Seat 8: cosonic1 (3,360), is sitting out
    Seat 9: lumpimaster (3,930)
    cosonic1 posts the small blind of 40
    lumpimaster posts the big blind of 80
    The button is in seat #7
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to eLPe21 [ ]
    TheDarkKnight4 has 15 seconds left to act
    TheDarkKnight4 folds
    oggy1981 folds
    eLPe21 raises to 220
    ilmagowalter folds
    mabutoo folds
    Hofrat666 calls 220
    ValentinoPoker folds
    cosonic1 folds
    lumpimaster folds
    *** FLOP *** [ ]
    eLPe21 has 15 seconds left to act
    eLPe21 bets 354
    Hofrat666 has 15 seconds left to act
    Hofrat666 raises to 708
    eLPe21 has 15 seconds left to act
    eLPe21 has requested TIME
    eLPe21 raises to 2,890, and is all in
    cosonic1 has been disconnected
    cosonic1 has reconnected
    Hofrat666 has 15 seconds left to act
    cosonic1 has been disconnected
    Hofrat666 folds
    Uncalled bet of 2,182 returned to eLPe21
    eLPe21 mucks
    eLPe21 wins the pot (1,976)
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 1,976 | Rake 0
    Board: [9s 4c 3h]
    Seat 1: TheDarkKnight4 didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 2: oggy1981 didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 3: eLPe21 collected (1,976), mucked
    Seat 4: ilmagowalter didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 5: mabutoo didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 6: Hofrat666 folded on the Flop
    Seat 7: ValentinoPoker (button) didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 8: cosonic1 (small blind) folded before the Flop
    Seat 9: lumpimaster (big blind) folded before the Flop

  3. #73
    Jan 2007
    Podziwiam was, panowie, ze chce sie wam tu wrzucac takie dosc standardowe w arsenale dobrego turniejowca zagrania, ktorych kazdy z nas ma kilka (nascie) w ciagu dnia

    Bron Boze nie krytykuje, bo i owszem trzeba miec jaja, zeby sobie w ten sposob pogrywac, ale po jakims czasie to sie wam znudzi

  4. #74
    Oct 2008
    Cytat Zamieszczone przez INTELOWIEC Zobacz posta
    Bron Boze nie krytykuje, bo i owszem trzeba miec jaja, zeby sobie w ten sposob pogrywac, ale po jakims czasie to sie wam znudzi
    nie jaja tylko ready

  5. #75
    Jan 2007
    Cytat Zamieszczone przez eLPe21 Zobacz posta
    nie jaja tylko ready
    Ja ostatnio mialem takiego reada, ze na flopie AT6 i pozniejszych nic nie znaczacych kartach i stacku 130k, jak zostalo w turnieju chyba okolo 20 graczy, callowalem z KT villaina ze stackiem 80k az do rivera i jego allin.

    Pokazal... AQ, a ja zaraz pozniej odpadlem z turnieju

  6. #76
    Oct 2008
    missclicki kazdemu sie zdarzaja spojrz jak Josek zlamal z K6 - QQ

    A tak powaznie, to wiadomo, ze z tymi readami roznie bywa, dlatego dobre ready sa heroiczne

  7. #77
    Jan 2007
    Cytat Zamieszczone przez eLPe21 Zobacz posta
    A tak powaznie, to wiadomo, ze z tymi readami roznie bywa, dlatego dobre ready sa heroiczne
    Zgadza sie. Dodam jeszcze, ze turniej wygrywa sie readami, a nie karta, niestety albo stety

  8. #78
    Dec 2006
    Push babe push

    PokerStars Game #25172509795: Tournament #140556577, $8.00+$0.80 Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (50/100) - 2009/02/21 3:10:46 CET [2009/02/20 21:10:46 ET]
    Table '140556577 113' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
    Seat 1: Crazy8Nutz (12775 in chips)
    Seat 2: stanko111 (4245 in chips)
    Seat 3: pointer123 (2995 in chips)
    Seat 4: Ccarter08 (840 in chips)
    Seat 5: dcs08 (1600 in chips)
    Seat 6: Thumper923 (4130 in chips)
    Seat 7: fkgndhnj (3590 in chips)
    Seat 8: DnegotiatorT (1395 in chips)
    Seat 9: Fecklar (1615 in chips)
    Crazy8Nutz: posts the ante 10
    stanko111: posts the ante 10
    pointer123: posts the ante 10
    Ccarter08: posts the ante 10
    dcs08: posts the ante 10
    Thumper923: posts the ante 10
    fkgndhnj: posts the ante 10
    DnegotiatorT: posts the ante 10
    Fecklar: posts the ante 10
    stanko111: posts small blind 50
    pointer123: posts big blind 100
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to stanko111 [ ]
    Ccarter08: folds
    dcs08: folds
    Thumper923: folds
    fkgndhnj: calls 100
    DnegotiatorT: folds
    Fecklar: folds
    Crazy8Nutz: calls 100
    stanko111: raises 4135 to 4235 and is all-in
    pointer123: folds
    fkgndhnj: calls 3480 and is all-in
    Crazy8Nutz: folds
    Uncalled bet (655) returned to stanko111
    *** FLOP *** [ ]
    *** TURN *** [ ] []
    *** RIVER *** [ ] []
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    stanko111: shows [ ] (a straight, Ace to Five)
    fkgndhnj: shows [ ] (a pair of Aces)
    stanko111 collected 7450 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 7450 | Rake 0
    Board [5s Kh Qh 4s 3c]
    Seat 1: Crazy8Nutz (button) folded before Flop
    Seat 2: stanko111 (small blind) showed [As 2s] and won (7450) with a straight, Ace to Five
    Seat 3: pointer123 (big blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 4: Ccarter08 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 5: dcs08 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 6: Thumper923 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 7: fkgndhnj showed [Ad Ah] and lost with a pair of Aces
    Seat 8: DnegotiatorT folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 9: Fecklar folded before Flop (didn't bet)

    suckout babe suckout

  9. #79
    Jan 2007
    Stanko pomyliłeś tematy. To nie są nasze najgłupsze rozdania.

  10. #80
    Dec 2006
    Stanko nie myli tematów, to był hero push z A2

    PokerStars Game #25212315886: Tournament #140556501, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (600/1200) - 2009/02/22 4:48:34 CET [2009/02/21 22:48:34 ET]
    Table '140556501 21' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
    Seat 1: stanko111 (57810 in chips)
    Seat 2: doctorry (60693 in chips)
    Seat 3: UFOOO2012 (79000 in chips)
    Seat 4: MrItalian245 (38228 in chips)
    Seat 5: Oldsmobile (23453 in chips)
    Seat 6: marchios (9805 in chips)
    Seat 7: abikose (77963 in chips)
    Seat 8: SHIPdaCHIPS (16495 in chips)
    Seat 9: Xmachine888 (20342 in chips)
    stanko111: posts the ante 125
    doctorry: posts the ante 125
    UFOOO2012: posts the ante 125
    MrItalian245: posts the ante 125
    Oldsmobile: posts the ante 125
    marchios: posts the ante 125
    abikose: posts the ante 125
    SHIPdaCHIPS: posts the ante 125
    Xmachine888: posts the ante 125
    MrItalian245: posts small blind 600
    Oldsmobile: posts big blind 1200
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to stanko111 [ ]
    marchios: folds
    abikose: folds
    SHIPdaCHIPS: folds
    Xmachine888: folds
    stanko111: raises 1800 to 3000
    doctorry: folds
    UFOOO2012: calls 3000
    MrItalian245: folds
    Oldsmobile: folds
    *** FLOP *** [ ]
    stanko111: bets 3600
    UFOOO2012: calls 3600
    *** TURN *** [ ] []
    stanko111: checks
    UFOOO2012: checks
    *** RIVER *** [ ] []
    stanko111: checks
    UFOOO2012: bets 15600
    stanko111: calls 15600
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    UFOOO2012: shows [ ] (high card Ace)
    stanko111: shows [ ] (a pair of Deuces)
    stanko111 collected 47325 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 47325 | Rake 0
    Board [8d 2c 6d 3s Ts]
    Seat 1: stanko111 showed [2d Jc] and won (47325) with a pair of Deuces
    Seat 2: doctorry folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 3: UFOOO2012 (button) showed [7s Ac] and lost with high card Ace
    Seat 4: MrItalian245 (small blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 5: Oldsmobile (big blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 6: marchios folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 7: abikose folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 8: SHIPdaCHIPS folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 9: Xmachine888 folded before Flop (didn't bet)