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  1. #21
    Jan 2006
    Radom / Lublin
    na waciki starczy

  2. #22
    Apr 2005
    Mały update z blogu BT:
    alot of poker
    Been playing tons of poker recently and haven't had a chance to update my blog. I am playing the 5K HU tourney in about 8 hours which I think will be a very fun tourney. Yesterday I had my worst loss ever where I played poker for 30 hours straight. It was very stupid not to quit and cost me a lot of money. In total I lost 960K. I was playing 1K/2K live and lost 1.02 million for about 24 hours straight, and then played another 6 hours online. I feel like I took my loss really well and it didn't bother me much.

    I just finished a session online where I won 265K in PLO and 260K in NLH for a 545K day which is my best online session ever. It feels good to book this big win after yesterday's loss live. We plan on playing 1K/2K 1/2 and 1/2 games tomorrow when the tourney ends. I played some very interesting hands yesterday and ran two huge bluffs in a 1.6 million dollar pot and a 1.2 million dollar pot.

    Here is the second hand...

    I opened from the cutoff in the NLH rotation with the Ad 8h and was cold called by David Benyamine who was on the button, both blinds folded and we took the flop HU. We both had plenty of money in front of us. The flop was Kd 8d 9d and I checked. David bet ~20K into a 20K pot and I check raised 60K more. He called and the turn brought the 6s. I lead for 135K and he called again. River brought the Qh and I fired for 400K and he almost instantly called me with AK with no diamonds. I really have to give David credit for the call. He put me on the exact hand I had and went with his read.