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Wątek: 7Sultans Poker

  1. #11
    May 2003
    Ja tez dostaem 10 $ na pacific, problem w tym ze zrobilem troch wiecej ale jak mam to wyplacic nie widac mozliwosci przelewu na netellera ani opcji przelewania pieniedzy inym graczom jak ktos cos wie dajcie znac

  2. #12
    Apr 2004
    to chyba nie na pacific
    mialem ten sam problem, ja wyslalem meila do supportu, podajac numer z netellera i pieniazki mi przelali ;D

  3. #13
    Nov 2004
    Napisalem do nich e-maila poniewaz tez mam ten sam problem"Sysdtem illegal..."
    oto co odpisali:


    Thank you for your email.

    I suspect that you are trying to register your account starting at the
    "LOGIN" button and following the registration steps from there. In order to
    complete the registration from
    where you are currently at (as explained in your e-mail) you first need a
    p7sr account number generated and registered. Please follow my instructions
    below for the registration of your poker account -

    1. Click on MENU - OPTIONS - REGISTER
    * You will now register the account from here.
    2. In this registration you will choose your own password, and receive a
    system generated
    password, starting with p7sr. Please make a note of this details.
    3. Once you have completed the registration as explained above, this will
    return you to the
    "LOGIN" prompt screen.
    4. Click on "LOGIN" (if not returned to the screen automatically) 5. Enter
    the above account number and password as mentioned above 6. Click proceed
    which will take you to a page that requests the following:
    - Alias
    - City
    - E-mail address
    Complete the details. Important to note, if you played on a Prima Poker
    site before,
    it is essential that you enter the same alias and e-mail address on
    this registration
    as registered with the other Prima Poker site.
    4. Proceed to the next page. The page may require you to enter an
    activation code. Please
    leave this field blank, and continue to the end of the registration and
    click "FINISH".
    (If you have the activation code, you may enter it here)
    5. You will now receive confirmation n that the registration was successful
    and that your
    activation e-mail was send to you. This e-mail is the last step in the
    process. Once
    you received the e-mail and followed the instructions, the account will
    be active and
    ready for you to start playing.

    Can you please check the following for me -

    - What version of Internet Explorer do you use. Check this by opening
    Internet Explorer,
    click on "Help" and then "About" - our software requires that you run
    Internet Explorer 6.0
    and higher.
    - Do you have any Spyware or Popup Blockers Enabled on your Computer. This
    effects the
    software as well. Should you have any of these enabled, please exit such
    software completely
    and attempt to open the software again.
    - Have you downloaded ActiveX?
    - Also delete your Temporary Internet Files and Cookies - this can be found
    under "TOOLS"
    then "Internet Options" also from "Internet Explorer"

    Should you still experience any difficulty to register your account, please
    let me know.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further queries.

    Kind Regards,

  4. #14
    Nov 2004
    Colloseum Poker ma podobna promocje jak 7 Sultans, tez daja 10USD bez koniecznosci wnoszenia depozytu.
    A co do 7Sultans, podobnie zreszta jak Royal Vegas to faktycznie oba nie akceptuja Polakow, a przeciez taki fajny z nas narod , taki zaradny zarazem... dlatego poprostu rejestrujac sie wystarczy podac pochodzenie z innego kraju, bardziej "cywilizowanego" a dalej to juz wiecie sami jak wyprowadzic te 10 dolcow.

  5. #15
    Sep 2004
    Radom / Kraków
    Mam pytanie jakie sa warunki wyplaty na pacyfic poker darmowych 10$ ktore dostaje sie za rejestracje ??

  6. #16
    Nov 2004
    Nieoplacalne minimum 50 rake hands na stolach 0,25/0,50.

  7. #17
    Sep 2004
    Radom / Kraków
    a gdzie u nich mozna sprawdzic ile sie ma juz ugranych rake hands ?

  8. #18
    Dec 2003
    ...dlatego poprostu rejestrujac sie wystarczy podac pochodzenie z innego kraju, bardziej "cywilizowanego" a dalej to juz wiecie sami jak wyprowadzic te 10 dolcow.
    Jak czytam coś takiego to mi opadają ręce, zastanawiałeś sie kiedyś dlaczego nie akceptują polaków? wlaśnie przez takie "świetne" pomysły jak zakladanie niezliczonej ilości lewych kont i wyciąganie z nich darmowej kasy. O ile sie nie myle to colloseum, 7 sultans i royal vegas należą do prima poker więc tylko czekać aż sie posypią bany na innych pokerromach tej sieci.

  9. #19
    May 2003
    Jak im się Polska nie podoba to łachy bez .. jest wiele poker roomów :twisted:

    Pozatem zgadzam się z Bartkiem

    ... a także wcale nie uważam innych państw za bardziej "cywylizowane", wszędzie znajdzie się jakiś "element".

    Troche godności panowie..