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  1. #91
    Nie omieszkałem tego uczynić
    Ostatnio edytowane przez Ananiasz ; 03-09-2007 o 18:39

  2. #92
    Chociąż bije mocno to takiego czegoś nie ośmielił bym się zrobic chyba ,że 23 by było w kolorze .Chociaż to i tak mało prawdopodobne.

  3. #93
    Aug 2007
    ***** Hand 791167493 *****
    0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 16 październik 2007 20:03:18
    Table TH 516 (Real/Cash Game)
    Seat 1: Przemeck (22.75)
    Seat 2: Sangrenel (51.75)
    Seat 3: vild4aces (107.25)
    Seat 4: koli1415 (54.85)
    Seat 5: gábor77 (52.25)
    Seat 6: N3bb3r (47.00)
    Seat 7: Dobbelbock (50.95)
    Seat 8: darkbeer05 (48.60)
    Seat 9: hynek39 (57.15)
    Seat 10: B.Lary (48.60)
    B.Lary post SB 0.25
    Przemeck post BB 0.50
    ** Deal **
    Przemeck [N/A, N/A]
    Sangrenel [N/A, N/A]
    vild4aces [N/A, N/A]
    koli1415 [Js, 10s]
    gábor77 [N/A, N/A]
    N3bb3r [N/A, N/A]
    Dobbelbock [N/A, N/A]
    darkbeer05 [N/A, N/A]
    hynek39 [N/A, N/A]
    B.Lary [N/A, N/A]
    *** Bet Round 1 ***
    Sangrenel Fold
    vild4aces Call 0.50
    koli1415 Call 0.50
    gábor77 Fold
    N3bb3r Fold
    Dobbelbock Fold
    darkbeer05 Fold
    hynek39 Fold
    B.Lary Call 0.50
    Przemeck Check
    *** Flop(Board): *** : [8s, 7s, 9s]
    *** Bet Round 2 ***
    B.Lary Bet 0.50
    Przemeck Raise to 2.50
    vild4aces Fold
    koli1415 Call 2.50
    B.Lary Call 2.50
    *** Turn(Board): *** : [8s, 7s, 9s, 3d]
    *** Bet Round 3 ***
    B.Lary Check
    Przemeck Bet 7.00
    koli1415 Call 7.00
    B.Lary Fold
    *** River(Board): *** : [8s, 7s, 9s, 3d, Jh]
    *** Bet Round 4 ***
    Przemeck All-in 12.75
    koli1415 Fold

    GŁupota, GŁupota, GŁupota, GŁupota, GŁupota, GŁupota.JAk można było pomylić przcisk call z foldem w takiej sytuacji.

  4. #94
    Feb 2007
    LOL, mocne.

  5. #95
    Apr 2006
    To wam sie spodoba.

    Texas Hold'em $1-$2 NL (real money), hand #P4-51944976-130
    Table Ipoh, 16 Oct 2007 9:37 PM ET

    Seat 2: petitbou ($110.00 in chips)
    Seat 3: fredztr ($116.75 in chips)
    Seat 4: IaZHgU ($98.50 in chips)
    Seat 5: KareemSaid ($59.80 in chips)
    Seat 8: HERO [ , ] ($108.00 in chips)
    HERO posts blind ($0.50),
    petitbou posts blind ($1).

    fredztr folds, IaZHgU folds, KareemSaid calls $1, HERO bets $4, petitbou calls $3.50, KareemSaid calls $3.50.

    FLOP [board cards , , ]
    HERO bets $8,
    petitbou folds,
    KareemSaid bets $20,
    HERO bets $95.50 and is all-in,
    KareemSaid calls $35.30 and is all-in.

    TURN [board cards ,,, ]

    RIVER [board cards ,,,, ]

    HERO shows [ , ]
    KareemSaid shows [ , ]
    HERO wins $169.30

    Ogolnie mialem dzisiaj najbardziej popieprzona sesje. Po prostu nic nie trafialem, kompletnie nic. Widzisz latwa kase, ale nic nie mozesz zrobic, bo nic nie lapiesz, a donki z vpip 40-60 robia Cie jak chca.

    Na flopie juz wiedzialem, ze koles zlapal 2 pary, ale mialem to gleboko w ..., easy call. Fart tez mi sie nalezy, a co... Sesja na zero.

  6. #96
    Feb 2007
    Sytuacja wczoraj na bubblu w Sunday Warm-Up, zamiast popatrzeć na stacki blind, to ja zajebałem AI. Bubble w debiucie boli.

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t3000 (8 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: FlopTurnRiver)

    saw flop|saw showdown

    Hero (t23322)
    SB (t139230)
    BB (t90217)
    UTG (t37950)
    UTG+1 (t18148)
    MP1 (t168454)
    MP2 (t39184)
    CO (t132075)

    Preflop: Hero is Button with 5, 3.
    5 folds, Hero raises to t23022, SB calls t21522, 1 fold.

    Flop: (t46644) 7, J, T (2 players)

    Turn: (t46644) 2 (2 players)

    River: (t46644) 5 (2 players)

    Final Pot: t46644

    Results in white below:
    SB has 6s 6d (one pair, sixes).
    Hero has 5c 3s (one pair, fives).
    Outcome: SB wins t46644.

    gg. ale nie ma co się przejmować, najważniejsze, żeby wyciągnąć wnioski.

  7. #97
    Apr 2006
    Widełka, Rzeszów
    kurde gram jak idiota dzisiaj ale wygrywam ale do czasu mi sie wydaje. cza bedzie konczyc gre na dzisiaj bo nic z tego nie bedzie dobrego

    Alexandra85 is at seat 0 with $45.95.
    BrunoD is at seat 2 with $49.70.
    Gowar is at seat 3 with $54.55.
    accro7 is at seat 4 with $44.23.
    hero is at seat 5 with $39.72.

    The dealer is seat 2.

    Gowar posts a blind of $.25.
    accro7 posts a blind of $.50.

    (hero is dealt Kd Ks.)

    hero calls for $.50.
    Alexandra85 calls for $.50.
    BrunoD calls for $.50.
    Gowar folds.
    accro7 checks.

    The flop comes
    Kc Qd 8h.

    accro7 bets $.50.
    hero raises $.50.
    Alexandra85 folds.
    BrunoD folds.
    accro7 raises $.50.
    hero raises $.50.
    accro7 raises $.50.
    hero raises $.50.
    accro7 goes all-in for $41.23.
    hero goes all-in for $36.22.
    $4.51 is pushed back to accro7.


    accro7 shows: Kh 8s
    Kc Kh 8h 8s Qd
    Two Pair, Kings and Eights

    hero Kc Kd Ks Qd 8h
    Three Kings

    The turn comes Qs.
    The river comes 8d.

    accro7 shows: Kh 8s
    8h 8d 8s Kc Kh
    Full House, Eights over Kings

    hero shows: Kd Ks
    Kc Kd Ks Qd Qs
    Full House, Kings over Queens

    hero wins pot ($78.69).


    Zombi68 is at seat 0 with $7.80.
    Drazzic is at seat 1 with $57.35.
    hero is at seat 3 with $58.15.
    JVVD is at seat 4 with $78.52.
    koolvince is at seat 5 with $28.90.

    The dealer is seat 4.

    koolvince posts a blind of $.25.
    Zombi68 posts a blind of $.50.

    (hero is dealt As Ah.)

    Drazzic folds.
    hero calls for $.50.
    JVVD folds.
    koolvince calls for $.25.
    Zombi68 checks.

    The flop comes
    9d 3c 7d.

    koolvince checks.
    Zombi68 bets $1.50.
    hero raises $4.50.
    koolvince folds.
    Zombi68 goes all-in for $5.80.
    hero calls for $1.30.


    Zombi68 shows: Kd 9c
    9d 9c Kd 7d 3c
    A pair of Nines

    hero shows: As Ah
    As Ah 9d 7d 3c
    A pair of Aces

    The turn comes Qc.
    The river comes 7c.

    hero shows: As Ah
    As Ah 7d 7c Qc
    Two Pair, Aces and Sevens

    Zombi68 shows: Kd 9c
    9d 9c 7d 7c Kd
    Two Pair, Nines and Sevens

    hero wins pot ($15.30).

  8. #98
    Apr 2006
    Sprawdzenie shorta z AA i set vs all in na flopie, to raczej standard niz glupie zagrania. No chyba, ze zle patrze

  9. #99
    Apr 2006
    Widełka, Rzeszów
    zobacz sobie akcje na flopie z tym KK trochu chyba przyfishowalem. nie wiem co mi odbilo ze tak gralem
    ten call z tymi AA PF chyba tez nie byl najlepszy

    ale ja tam fisha jestem to sie nie znam.

  10. #100
    Jun 2007

    43 na BB...flop J-3-7 (rainbow)...pisze smsa...miss click allin 4.5k do puli 150 (rzecz miala miejsce na expekcie gdzie mozna sobie kliknac allin jak sie komus nudzi;p ) od JJ...turn 5, river 6... mialem 1,72% zeby to wygrac;p