Pewien gracz Mr Silent aka 7pm , Anglik specjalizujacy sie w SnG, zwyciezca wielokrotny leaderboardu, swoja wygrana nagrode za grudzien czyli pakiet na WSOPE warty 23k $, postanowil przeznaczyc dla zwyciezcy turnieju charytatywnego, ktory odbedzie sie 5 marca br. Wpisowe do turnieju wynosi 500$ + 0$. Jezeli uczestnikow bedzie 46 lub mniej calosc powedruje na 3 cele charytatywne (kazdy z uczestnikow bedzie mogl wybrac, gdzie powedruje jego 500$). Jesli osob bedzie wiecej, to 23k $ pojdzie na cele charytatywne a nadwyzka trafi do puli nagrod. Betfair rowniez dorzuca pare nagrod np. bounty za wyeliminowanie graczy sponsorowanych (Annette 15 i Imperium- zwyciezczyni i runner up WSOPE 2007) . Ponizej pelny tekst komunikatu po angielsku:
Mr Silent has generously donated his $23,000 WSOPE (STAX) package as a prize in this Special MTT.
All entry fees up to $23,000 will be distributed equally between his chosen charities, with any extra being added to the prize pool.
Date: Wednesday 5th March
Time: 20:30 GMT
Buy in: $500+$0
Structure: 5000 Starting Stack
15 Min Levels
The three charities benefiting from the buy-ins (up to $23k) are:
Be sure to register early so you don't miss out on this unique event.
Mr Silent’s BF $23,000 WSOPE Charity Tourney *UPDATE*
Added Value:
To enhance the spirit of the occassion, Betfair Poker will add the following:
2nd place will receive a $1,050 EPT Monte Carlo $60k Final satellite entry.
3rd, 4th and 5th places will each receive a $550 satellite entry.
Betfair Poker will be adding both our sponsored pros, Imper1um and Annette_15, as $250 bounties (subject to availability).
Please note: As a *special* tournament, any cash prizes will be credited within 24 hours, and the breakdown of any cash pool will be available in the forum shortly after the tournaments begins.
Best of luck